Tag: urethral stretching

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A Comprehensive Guide to Genital Modification of the Penis

It is not uncommon to find men undergoing genital modification. Each person who experiences modifications has different justifications for the acts. Some do it for personal gratifications and sexual pleasure, others modify their penis for religious and cultural reasons. Still others carry out extreme modifications due to mental illness. Whatever the reason, this compilation doesn’t condemn but instead informs those who aren’t aware of the different types of penis modifications.

Here is a description of some of the craziest forms of genital modification.

Glossary Of Penile Modifications

Penile bisection

The process involves splitting the penis into two halves during a surgical operation. Splitting of the penis occurs in different ways as described here.


An inverted procedure involves cutting of the penis from the middle down while leaving the head intact.

Whole splitting

The process entails a split of the penis into two halves from the head all the way down the shaft. Ideally, anyone who has undergone the modification experiences a curled penis during an erection. Complete shaft splitting can result in hard penetrative sex. However, if done correctly, such an individual can enjoy sex with intense stimulations.

Head splitting

For head-splitting, only the head of the penis is cut into two leaving the shaft intact. If a male has a very thin meatus, then a meatotomy is done first. Meatus is the small hole on the head of the penis and through which males urinate. Meatotomy is then the process of expanding the meatus before the splitting procedure takes place.

Urethral Sounding

Sounding is whereby a male decides to put a sound device into their urethra. A sound is a therapeutic tool meant for the pleasure of stretching and expansion of a urethra. An example of a sound is the prince wand which is long and extends through the shaft of the penis. A sound often has beads protruding to the outside of a penis.

Re-route of the urethra

Weird as it sounds, some people have found ways to modify their bodies such that they don’t urinate through the tip of their penis. The practice is common amongst the male gender because the location of their urethra is close to the skin and located just between the scrotum and the anus. The process involves piercing a small hole between the anus and the scrotum while remaining careful about the depth of the incision. This process is medically safe because it does not interfere with the bladder.

Penis pearling

Insertion of beads underneath the skin of the penis is the latest trend across the world. The idea is mainly aimed at maximizing pleasure for women during sex. Some men even go to the extent of sticking beads on their foreskin just before penetrative sex. The beads give the feeling like the one realized when using a studded condom.

For the penis pearling, doctors keep advising against home done procedures because they could lead to injuries, infections, body rejection of the pearls, and worse still tetanus. Eventually, it could lead to the amputation of the penis. However, if done by a professional who has vast knowledge about the anatomy of the penis, the process is harmless.

Penis infibulation

The practice originates from Greece and the Arabic world, where the slave trade was prevalent. Ideally, the penises of male slaves were infibulated to prevent them from fornicating or masturbating instead of working. During infibulation, the foreskin of the penis was pulled above the head and stitched together as a punishment. The punishment was considered worse than a death sentence. Currently, men carry out the infibulation of their penises at will. Some do it during acts of BDSM while others have a fetish. Some male theatre artists infibulate their penises so that they don’t dangle during live performances.

Apparently, the artists consider floppy penises as an embarrassment during a performance.

Penis modification has become a trend in the 21st century. Some men do it for sexual stimulation, while others have religious and cultural affiliations that advocate for such practices. Whatever the reason for a genital modification, it should be safe and observed by a medical practitioner to avoid adverse effects. Examples of penis modifications are penis infibulation, penis bisection, urethra re-route, penis pearling, and sounding.

Understanding Genital Modification of the Penis

Genital modification of the penis, also known as penile modification, is an intriguing practice. People choose this modification for various reasons. These range from cultural traditions to personal aesthetics or sexual enhancement. This topic fascinates and alarms in equal measure. Let’s delve into why individuals opt for this, and what the pros and cons are, from physical, health, and mental perspectives.

Why Do People Choose Penile Modification?

The reasons behind penile modification are as diverse as the people who undergo it. In some cultures, it’s a rite of passage. It symbolizes a transition into adulthood or marks group identity. For others, the motivation is purely aesthetic. They wish to alter the appearance of their penis according to personal or partner preferences.

Additionally, there’s a significant number who pursue genital modification for potential sexual benefits. They believe it might enhance pleasure for themselves and their partners. It’s a deeply personal decision, often influenced by a mix of cultural, social, and personal factors.

Physical Pros and Cons of Penile Modification


  1. Enhanced Sensitivity: Some modifications, like the removal of the foreskin, can increase sensitivity.
  2. Aesthetic Satisfaction: Individuals report a boost in confidence when their physical appearance aligns with their desires.


  1. Risk of Infection: Any procedure involving the skin can introduce pathogens if not done in a sterile environment.
  2. Permanent Change: Most modifications are irreversible, requiring careful consideration before proceeding.

The physical impact largely depends on the type of modification performed and the skill of the practitioner. It’s crucial to seek services from qualified professionals to minimize risks.

Health Implications of Penile Modification


  1. Hygiene: Some believe that certain modifications, like circumcision, simplify hygiene and reduce infections.


  1. Surgical Risks: As with any surgery, there are risks of complications such as bleeding or adverse reactions to anesthesia.
  2. Post-Operative Pain: Recovery can be painful and requires proper care and downtime.
  3. Long-Term Complications: These can include nerve damage or reduced sensitivity, contradicting the desired outcomes.

The health implications necessitate a balanced view. Proper medical consultation is essential to mitigate risks and ensure that health benefits, if any, are realized.

Mental and Emotional Impact


  1. Improved Self-Esteem: Achieving the desired aesthetic can significantly boost self-esteem and body image.
  2. Increased Sexual Confidence: Some report improved sexual experiences, which contribute to better mental health.


  1. Regret and Dissatisfaction: Not all outcomes meet expectations, leading to regret or dissatisfaction with the modification.
  2. Social Stigma: Individuals may face judgment or stigma from others who do not understand their choice.

The mental and emotional impacts are profound and variable. Support from a mental health professional can be beneficial in navigating these complex feelings.

The Decision

Choosing to undergo genital modification is no small decision. It involves weighing cultural significance, personal desire, and the potential risks and benefits. Those considering this should consult with both medical and mental health professionals. This ensures they are making an informed choice that considers all facets of their wellbeing.

Genital modification of the penis spans a spectrum of motivations and outcomes. While some find profound satisfaction and enhanced experiences, others face complications or regret. Understanding both sides of the spectrum is crucial. Anyone considering this procedure must take a thoughtful, well-informed approach. This ensures the decision aligns with their overall health and life goals.

In summary, genital modification is not just a physical decision but a holistic one, impacting one’s health, body image, and mental state. Those interested should proceed with caution, armed with information and professional guidance.

Urethral Sex Toys For Women Enhance New Pleasures

Urethral Sex Toys

There are women who would love to invest time into urethral sex toys play however are uncertain of the type to choose. Although the idea of inserting a Penis Plug or Urethral Sound into a penis is heard of, it can be quite confronting to insert one into the urethra of a woman. You don’t need to have a penis to appreciate urethral incitement.

Actually there are a lot of urethral sex toys ladies can use to experience delight and intense climaxes. A number of the standard sex toys made for men can likewise be utilised by ladies who wish to attempt urethral play. All you need to do is pick the right one.

Exploring Urethral Play: An Introduction

Like all other sexual activities, urethral play requires time to adapt to the sensations and enhance the experience. By moving slowly and adhering to safety protocols, you can ensure the most comfortable and pleasurable journey possible. Similar to the guidelines on dating websites, these safety measures are essential for protecting your well-being. If discomfort arises, consulting a medical professional about urethral play is advisable.

Understanding Urethral Differences in Women

Women’s urethras are notably narrower than men’s, necessitating careful consideration of the size of urethral toys—both width and length. Typically, women’s urethral toys are designed to be shorter and slimmer. However, with gradual training and stretching, accommodating larger urethral toys, such as sounds, becomes feasible.

Discovering Hidden Pleasures

Utilizing urethral sex toys unlocks access to concealed erogenous zones. By exploring through the urethra, you can uniquely stimulate areas like the underside of the clitoris and the G-spot from above. This direct approach can offer novel and intense pleasure.

Guidelines for Urethral Toy Sizes

Length Considerations

For women, the key focus is the first few inches of a urethral sound, which are inserted into the urethra. Those with an exceptionally short urethra need only a small portion of the toy to experience stimulation. It’s crucial never to force a urethral toy too deep. Ideally, stop inserting when you meet resistance, or even before reaching the bladder to ensure safety.

Comfort and Control

Long urethral toys are advantageous for women as they can be easily held in various positions, whether sitting or lying down. This versatility allows for relaxation and self-pleasure without straining the arms or hands.

Width Specifications

Women’s Urethral Stretching: A Careful Journey

The Basics of Urethral Stretching

Women can stretch their urethra to accommodate regular urethral sex toys, though the process requires patience due to the initial narrowness. This journey should never be rushed; taking your time ensures safety and effectiveness in stretching your urethra to a suitable size.

Progressing in Urethral Play

As your urethra begins to stretch, it becomes wider and longer, necessitating the use of wider urethral sex toys. Using thinner toys that no longer fit can pose risks, so it’s essential to upgrade your toys as your body adapts.

Choosing the Right Urethral Sex Toy for Women

No Specific Toy? No Problem!

Although there’s no urethral sex toy designed specifically for women, many existing toys are suitable. However, certain urethral sounds designed for deep stimulation or prostate play are not advisable for women.

Toy Types and Uses

  • Beginner Urethral Toys (Beginner Penis Plug): Perfect for novices, these toys are generally shorter, making them easier to manage without worrying about depth during urethral play.
  • Urethral Stretchers (Tapered Penis Plug): Ideal for those who want to gradually stretch their urethra to accommodate larger toys. These start small and increase in size, encouraging gentle progress.
  • Regularly-Sized Urethral Toys (Solid Penis Plug): Recommended for women who have some experience and an already stretched urethra.

How to Use Urethral Sounds for Women

Urethral Sounds for Pleasure

Women can use urethral sounds to clear blockages or explore the urethra for pleasurable sensations. Sounding can enhance masturbation, leading to intense orgasms. When performed by another person, it can offer an electrifying sexual experience.

The Impact on Women

Unlike men, women do not have a prostate, so how do urethral sounds affect women? Much of the clitoris is beneath the surface, and urethral sounds can reach and stimulate these hidden erogenous zones within the urethra.

Safety and Sensitivity

The female urethra is extremely sensitive, shorter, and tighter than a man’s, making it crucial to use the correct tools and proceed with caution. Inappropriate experimentation without suitable tools can lead to injuries.

Further Applications and Cautions

Women can also use urethral sounds to gently widen the urethra enough to insert a small finger, potentially allowing for simultaneous external and internal clitoral stimulation. This practice is akin to the functionality of the Princess Albertina piercing, which passes through the urethra and exits at the top of the vagina. However, it’s vital to avoid pushing urethral sounds beyond the urethra as enhanced sensations do not increase with deeper insertion, and there’s a risk of damaging the bladder.

Urethral Female Play
Urethral Play By Women

1. Masturbation

For a women to insert a plug or urethral sound it is recommended to do a lot of foreplay to ensure her mind and body are both sexually stimulate to achieve penetration. When you are stimulated your urethra grows so it’s less demanding to embed the toy. Only when you have been fully stimulated and aroused, may you begin the insertion of the urethral sex toy.

2. Lubricate

The sound must be generously lubricated to help insertion. Make a point to add lubricant to the tip and body of the toy. Also place lubricant to your urethral opening. Keep your lubricant nearby for future use and you are prepared to begin.

3. Use A Mirror

It’s here where you need to play close regard to what you are doing. If you need additional help, you can use a mirror to locate the entrance to your urethra.

4. Insertion

Since the urethral opening is exceptionally little, ensure you have a stable hand. With the use of one hand, spread the vagina lips to uncover the urethra. Contingent upon the length of the toy, you may need to balance it out with your fingers as you delicately direct it into urethra. Nonetheless, remember that female urethra is just a couple inches long, so you won’t have the capacity to embed the toy deeply. The first few inches are suitable for profound stimulation and arousal. In any case, since the urethra is significantly shorter than the one inside the penis, you should be extremely cautious not to embed the toy too profoundly.

5. Try Again Later

You may have the capacity to embed just the tip, this is alright. You may attempt again at a later time. While you may encounter incredible outcomes on your first attempt, don’t be demoralized on the off chance that it doesn’t occur. It as a rule requires some investment and various sessions to have the capacity to embed a toy.

6. Slippage

Sometimes you may accidently slip the Urethral sex toy into the vaginal opening rather than the urethra. This can happen every so often due to the lubrication and size of the urethra opening. On the off chance that this happens, try to appropriately re-clean your urethral toys before you proceed. This is totally essential since you have to avoid urinary tract diseases. To dodge urinary tract diseases, ensure all your toys are sanitized and cleaned at all circumstances.

7. In And Out Technique

If you have inserted it correctly, when you are comfortable, slowly take out the urethral sound place more lubrication on it and slowly place it back in. The urethra will gradually become wider and a bigger sound can be pushed tenderly and profoundly as required. Once the sex toy is inside, you may begin testing to perceive what feels the best and what makes you excited. Whatever you do, be that as it may, remember to go gradually and tenderly or else you may cause harm to yourself. In the event that you discover this action fortifying, make a point to go delicately and to just move the toy for not as much as an inch in both headings. Try not to endeavour to evacuate the toy completely and after that set it back rapidly. Rather, try to keep at any rate the tip of the toy inside as you move it in and out.

8. G-Spot Stimulation

Something else you may wish to attempt is to empower your G spot through the urethra. Attempt to delicately shake the toy against your vaginal divider which is situated under the urethra. You should be exceptionally cautious while doing this, and this type of play requires some practice. Nonetheless, with enough tolerance and unwinding, odds are that you will have the capacity to discover new sweet spots to empower.

9. Masturbation

You may attempt delicate masturbation with the toy inside. You may rub your clitoris or delicately embed fingers or toys into vagina or anus. In any case, make a point to go tenderly. Remember that you have to hold the urethral toy to stabilise it with your other hand. Normally a moderate stroking movement is the best but she will decide what will work most comfortably within the moment and build herself to climax. It may take a couple days of attempting urethral play until she is able to feel comfortable with the new sensations or accomplish a comfortable orgasm. Remember that urethral incitement dependably requires persistence and delicate moves, so don’t surge things out. You will bit by bit realize what feels the best and how to appreciate urethral play minus all potential limitations.

10.  After Urethral Play

Like men, urethral sounds can cause a burning sensation for women to which is a normal sensation. When a women urinates she may experience intense pain for a couple days. The uncomfortable feeling should stop with more experience using the urethral sound.

Women’s Wellbeing: Safe Urethral Stimulation Practices

Educate and Communicate for Safety

The most effective way to ensure safety during urethral stimulation is to be well-informed about all potential risks and adhere to best practice guidelines. It is crucial to consult a medical professional regarding the use of women’s urethral sex toys and the associated safety measures.

Understanding and Mitigating Risks

The primary risks associated with urethral stimulation include urinary tract infections (UTIs) and physical injuries. Women’s shorter urethra heightens the risk of UTIs compared to men. This makes infection a significant concern for female urethral stimulation enthusiasts. To minimize the risk of infections, it’s essential to keep urethral toys impeccably clean and sanitized. Always cleanse them before each use to avoid contamination. For example, handling toys with unwashed hands can compromise their sterility. Whenever possible, use sterile gloves during urethral play to maintain cleanliness and safety.

Post-Use Care Is Critical

Moreover, never overlook the importance of cleaning your toys after each session and storing them in a secure place. Maintaining the cleanliness and sterility of your toys is mandatory to reduce the likelihood of UTIs.

Use a Sterile Lubricant

Importance of Proper Lubrication

Using sterile lubricant is crucial for urethral stimulation. Surgilube is an excellent choice for those engaging in this activity, as it helps prevent infections and ensures smoother insertion.

Preventing Injuries

When it comes to preventing injuries, focus on two main aspects: selecting the right tools and gentle usage. It is vital to use only those sex toys specifically designed for urethral play. Avoid makeshift items from around the house as they are not suitable and can increase the risk of harm. Many urethral toys are designed to be exceptionally smooth, facilitating easier insertion.

The Risks of Deep Urethral Stimulation

Inserting urethral toys too deeply into the bladder is fraught with dangers, as it can cause injuries and heighten the risk of UTIs. While some women may engage in more extreme forms of urethral stimulation, such practices are highly risky and generally not recommended.

Adhering to these guidelines can make urethral stimulation a safer and more enjoyable experience, emphasizing the importance of proper care and the use of appropriate tools.